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Here you find all information about Sundeer Tickets.
The sale of tickets is done in a differentiated way in the spirit of solidarity and fairness.

Sunder talalkozo 2022.
Sunder talalkozo 2017.

We would like to thank each and every one of you for supporting the Sundeer Gathering, thereby contributing to the survival, exploration, and transmission of critically important ancient knowledge for the future.

Thanks to the purchase of your tickets, we are able to realize this dream, which brings together various actors from the ancestral, spiritual, cultural and artistic world, in collaboration with entrepreneurs, craftspeople, gastronomy and local development. Thanks to the amazing and noble work of the helpers and volunteers, without whom there would be no Sundeer. It remains independent and free from commercial and political sponsorship.

Sunder talalkozo 2020.

Friendly Prices Tickets

Sundeer Friendly ticket prices are based on objective, economical criteria, such as: minimum wage per country; GDP per capita; and purchasing power in countries benefiting from the “Friendly” discount compared with other economic realities.

napszrvas 2019.

Regular Prices Tickets

Regular price tickets are set for people living in all European Union countries (except those mentioned above in the friendly price areas), Australia, Canada, Israel, New Zealand, USA, Oman, Qatar, United Arab Emirates.


We appreciate your support, whether you can attend or not. The proceeds will be used for the travel expenses of knowledge keepers and teachers, as well as the organization of the Napszarvas area."

We source this information on the websites of EurostatUNDPStatista and Pordata .

Normal Price

Countries with more stable economy

5-day ticket: 250€

One-day ticket: 60 €

Friendly Prices Tickets

Countries with more fragile economy (e.g., Hungary).

Ötnapos jegy:

május 31-ig: 60.000 Ft

június 1 – augusztus 20-ig: 65.000 Ft

helyszínen: 70.000 Ft

Napijegy: elővételben: 15.000 Ft, helyszínen: 18.000 Ft


Köszönjük, ha segíted a rendezvényt, akár úgy is, hogy többet fizetsz a jegyért, akár úgy is, ha nem tudsz eljönni, de támogatsz minket. A befolyó támogatás összegét az tudásőrzők, tanítók utazási költségeire és a Napszarvas területének rendezésére fordítjuk.

Remember: one-day tickets are valid from the day of entry (regardless of the time of your arrival) until 7 a.m. the following day.


Payable on the spot, after prior reservation.

Hotel Királyrét

old wing: € 25/person/night

1 double room
9 rooms with 2 beds
3 rooms with 4 beds
5 rooms with 5 beds
1 room with 6 beds

new wing: € 30/person/night

6 rooms with 2 beds
3 rooms with 3 beds
1 room with 6 beds


€ 20/person/night

7 rooms with 4 beds (2 bunkbeds)
3 rooms with 8 beds (4 bunkbeds)
1 room with 10 beds (5 bunks)

These rooms have a total of 4 female and 4 male bathrooms, toilet in the corridor.

The price includes access to the hotel swimming pool, the natural areas and the river during the days of Sundeer.



€ 10/person/day

Camping sites - in proximity to the ceremonial premises and further away from them - are available on a first come, first served basis.

Each tent will be marked with a number to facilitate co-ordination or special arrangements that may be required. Please collect your number with your ticket and wristband from the Information Booth.

Camping tickets Include access to:

  • communal toilets and showers
  • the hotel swimming pool


Payable on the spot, after prior reservation. If you do not order a meal, you can buy a hot meal at the cafeteria.


We offer Carnivore and Vegan Menus alike, both including 3 meals a day for €20/person/day. Book your meal vouchers in advance. We can offer meals only in limited amount for those who failed to send their order before their arrival. There is a café and restaurant outside the Sundeer premises, in walking distance., where you have the opportunity to buy groceries, snacks, drinks, sandwiches or burgers to go. The ordered meal must be paid for on-site, and then we will provide a meal ticket for it. You should hand over the ticket to the on-site staff at the time of the meal. Meals ordered must be paid for on the spot, and then we give you a meal ticket. You will have to hand in the ticket to the staff at the time of the meal.

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Sundeer, The International Gathering of Wisdom Keepers has been organised annually since 2015. This year we will meet again on the hills of Királyrét, located at 50 km north of Budapest.
